Sunday, May 4, 2008

Okay, here goes another try of mine to revive this so dead blog :D lol thanks to Ama's laziness, I have to upload these College Day photos myself. Anyway, it was a fun day for all of us, thanks to some people's extreme highness lol.

And yay, despite of the fact that we were forced to sell fishballs (which I can't understand why people would buy lol), we still managed to cover the cost even before the VIP came and make a profit of 67 bucks lol. We rock! And here comes the thanks list lol XD

Thanks to all the saikang warriors who came all the way to Plaza Sing and Tiong Bahru to collect SAUSAGES and fishBALLS respectively lol

Thanks Kristy for putting all of your time and effort to put this EXTRA thing together lol.

Thanks to Ama, Kai Ting, Charlyn, Kristy. You guys were really great publicity officers who tailed and forced people to buy our balls and sausages.

Thanks Xiu Rong for being the saikang head and camping with me at the stall through out the thing.

Thanks Xiu Hui, Desiree and Joycelyn for helping us with the so called "cooking" process lol.

Thanks Zui Qiu for the cool menu board :D

Thanks Xu laoshi for buying us 3 bottles of drinks.

And thanks to everyone who supported us in one way or another lol.

Haha, but above all, we had FUN people! Okay, enough typing, it's time for PHOTOS lol

Camwhore at Plaza Sing

Still us! But it's my butt lol :D

At the bus stop after collecting the fishballs. I refused to engage in their camwhorage, so there goes my poor back under the Retarded's elbow -.-

The main labour force lol :D

LOL. that's the fishballs and sausages on the bus floor. Notice the closeness to our shoes lol. Haha, I wonder what would the customers say if they saw this XD

The chilli. Its truthful place was some where very near Fu Di. Due to censorship issue, hence the hanging out of nowhere position lol

The charming sellers lol :P

Kristy: "OMG, there are so many BALLS between my legs!!!!" Hmmm, I wonder what would Sherman say lol

Super ENORMOUS Aerius banner lol

Our poor menu board at the end of the day :D

We, enjoying the free icecream from some random failed business that day. lol so poor thing =))

Another camwhorage with the Aerius banner. I was too tired to bother to smile lol :D

There you go, kids! It's update on College Day lol =)) Happy mugging people

04 screamed at 2:13 AM.

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25 people; 4 years; 1 ohfour =D



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